

Property / Method Description
element.appendChild() Adds a new child node, to an element, as the last child node
element.attributes Returns a NamedNodeMap of an element's attributes
element.childElementCount Returns the number of child elements an element has
element.childNodes Returns a collection of an element's child nodes (including text and comment nodes)
element.children Returns a collection of an element's child element (excluding text and comment nodes)
element.classList Returns the class name(s) of an element
element.className Sets or returns the value of the class attribute of an element
element.cloneNode() Clones an element
element.contains() Returns true if a node is a descendant of a node, otherwise false
element.contentEditable Sets or returns whether the content of an element is editable or not
element.firstChild Returns the first child node of an element
element.firstElementChild Returns the first child element of an element
element.getAttribute() Returns the specified attribute value of an element node
element.getAttributeNode() Returns the specified attribute node
element.getElementsByClassName() Returns a collection of all child elements with the specified class name
element.getElementsByTagName() Returns a collection of all child elements with the specified tag name
element.hasChildNodes() Returns true if an element has any child nodes, otherwise false Sets or returns the value of the id attribute of an element
element.innerHTML Sets or returns the content of an element
element.insertBefore() Inserts a new child node before a specified, existing, child node
element.lastChild Returns the last child node of an element
element.lastElementChild Returns the last child element of an element
element.nextSibling Returns the next node at the same node tree level
element.nextElementSibling Returns the next element at the same node tree level
element.nodeName Returns the name of a node
element.nodeType Returns the node type of a node
element.nodeValue Sets or returns the value of a node
element.parentNode Returns the parent node of an element
element.parentElement Returns the parent element node of an element
element.previousSibling Returns the previous node at the same node tree level
element.previousElementSibling Returns the previous element at the same node tree level
element.querySelector() Returns the first child element that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element
element.querySelectorAll() Returns all child elements that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element
element.removeAttribute() Removes a specified attribute from an element
element.removeChild() Removes a child node from an element
element.replaceChild() Replaces a child node in an element
element.setAttribute() Sets or changes the specified attribute, to the specified value
element.setAttributeNode() Sets or changes the specified attribute node Sets or returns the value of the style attribute of an element
element.tagName Returns the tag name of an element
element.textContent Sets or returns the textual content of a node and its descendants
nodelist.item() Returns the node at the specified index in a NodeList
nodelist.length Returns the number of nodes in a NodeList